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Midcontinent Advocates Light Regulatory Approach to Ensure Future Broadband Network Expansion
- Date: 11/11/14
November 11, 2014 - Sioux Falls, SD: In a statement released yesterday by the White House, President Obama called for extreme Title II regulation of the Internet. This is a reversal of the longstanding, bipartisan policy of lightly regulating the Internet that has been so instrumental in creating the networks we all enjoy today.
According to Midcontinent President and CEO Pat McAdaragh, “This is a very troubling statement. While we don’t believe a network neutrality problem actually exists, the FCC has established a procedure to review and consider regulatory alternatives, and should continue to work with Congress to establish appropriate policies. Midcontinent has never blocked any legal content and has no intention to do so. Frankly, our customers wouldn’t stand for it. We will continue to support a light regulatory approach that will allow us to continue investing in the expansion of our network, keep prices reasonable and promote the best interests of our customers.”